Economic Analysis
Development Planning
Residential Uses

Sydney Metro Northwest Places - Tallawong


Demographic and Market Analysis

Landcom and Sydney Metro are working together on the long-term planning and development of government-owned land surrounding new Metro Northwest line stations. Close to Tallawong station, the Tallawong precinct is planned to provide a range of housing, public open space, retail uses and access to a new town centre to the north of the station.  

What we did

Atlas carried out baseline demographic and market analysis to understand the drivers of demand and supply of housing in the North West Growth Area, and in particular to understand the potential role for the Tallawong precinct in meeting future demand.  

The analysis considered the suitability of a range of residential typologies, including single and detached dwellings, medium density and higher-density dwellings. The findings assisted Blacktown City Council (Council) understand the rationale for the mix of residential typologies envisaged.

The outcome

Landcom continues to complete various technical investigations, which will culminate in a development application with Council.

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