Economic Analysis
Financial Analysis
Strategic Planning
Business and Commercial Uses
Residential Uses

Marsden Park Strategic Centre

Blacktown City Council

Land Use Appraisal

The Marsden Park Town Centre is located within the growing Marsden Park precinct in Sydney’s North West Growth Area. The town centre is identified as a strategic centre in strategic planning documents. It is zoned for urban development but is currently undeveloped.

Blacktown City Council is planning for the future and transition of the Marsden Park Town Centre into a strategic centre. Atlas is carrying out a land use assessment (retail, commercial, residential) to assist with Council with masterplanning of the Marsden Park strategic centre.

Land use advice includes appropriate employment densities that should be planned for, and the corresponding development typologies that could accommodate future housing and employment. The project involves case study and precedent research into compact cities, the viable distribution of various land uses and how strategic planning could respond to a future Metro station in Marsden Park.

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