Financial Analysis
Property Valuation
Strategic Planning
Business and Commercial Uses
Economic Development

Camperdown Precinct Structure Plan

Inner West Council

Market and Economic Land Use Appraisal

The Camperdown Precinct forms part of Tech Central (previously the Camperdown-Ultimo Collaboration Area) and is an essential component of the Greater Sydney Region Plan’s Eastern Harbour City Innovation Corridor. The Camperdown-Ultimo Collaboration Area Place Strategy was prepared by the Greater Sydney Commission in 2019 which identified the importance of this precinct.

The Camperdown Precinct structure plan is to be informed by technical inputs including land-use, built form and movement networks for land within the Camperdown node of Tech Central. The work will inform future planning controls including amendments to the local environmental plan and development control plan.

What we are doing

Atlas is providing economics, feasibility and affordable housing input that will assist development of the structure plan.

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