Economic Analysis
Financial Analysis
Strategic Planning
Business and Commercial Uses
Urban Renewal

Brookvale Structure Plan

Northern Beaches Council

Land Use Appraisal and Development Feasibility

Brookvale is a multi-functional centre and is part of the Brookvale-Dee Why Strategic Centre. It has the largest concentration of industrial and urban services land in northern Sydney and is home to regional shopping centre Warringah Mall. Brookvale is served by arterial spine Pittwater Road which additionally accommodates a more traditional commercial and mixed use town centre.

Northern Beaches Council has undertaken broad-ranging investigations across the local government area, and sought to integrate evidence and strategy into a Brookvale Structure Plan that will, inter alia, support and manage the tensions between uses that inevitably result as a consequence of growth and demand for floorspace.

The structure plan considered the economic and market drivers of development activity and the commercial realities that underpin investment in the centre.

What we did

Atlas provided land use and market advice on various development typologies and their feasibility requirements.

Atlas was part of a multi-disciplinary team engaged to review, update and finalise the Brookvale strategic centre structure plan.

The outcome

The draft Brookvale Structure Plan was publicly exhibited in November 2022, accommodating greater capacity for new housing, commercial and community uses as well as providing new public open space.

In November 2023 Northern Beaches Council endorsed the Brookvale Structure Plan which will shape future development of Brookvale over the next 15 years.

Work will commence on implementing the Structure Plan which involves preparation of the technical studies to support a Planning Proposal, Development Control Plan and Section 7.11 Contributions Plan.

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