Economic Analysis
Financial Analysis
Strategic Planning
Urban Renewal
Economic Development

Bays West Place Strategy

NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure

Affordable Housing Analysis

Bays West comprises areas including Rozelle Bay, Rozelle Rail Yards, White Bay, Glebe Island and White Bay Power Station.

In 2015, the Bays Precinct Sydney Transformation Plan was released by the NSW Government. It established a strategy for the urban renewal of the Bays Precinct and outlined how its transformation can build on its heritage, support local communities, optimise maritime uses and support the growth of Sydney as an internationally competitive and globally relevant city.    

The Bays West Place Strategy will guide transformation of Bays West and was finalised in November 2021 through a Ministerial Direction.

What we did

Atlas provided economic and land use input to support development of a Stage 1 draft Masterplan for the White Bay Power Station (and Metro station) and Robert Street sub-precinct. The Stage 1 draft Masterplan was publicly exhibited in May 2022.

Informed by feedback from exhibition of the Stage 1 draft Masterplan, a rezoning proposal was exhibited in August 2022. The Bays West Stage 1 Rezoning Proposal outlines planning controls to guide development of a new centre for Bays West around the future Bays Metro station and White Bay Power Station.

The outcome

The Bays West Stage 1 Rezoning Proposal was finalised in December 2022 and will guide the future development of Bays West. Development applications can now be lodged for sites within the Stage 1 area.

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